Bows & Beaus Square Dance Club


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The Bows and Beaus Singles and Couples Square Dance Club of the Mountain View / Los Altos area of California is a member of the Santa Clara Valley Square Dancers Association (SCVSDA), and is one of the longest operating and most respected square dance clubs in the Santa Clara Valley. Our caller, Tork Clark, has been voted one of the Top Ten callers by members of the SCVSDA. Our round dances are cued by Sandi Kremer. Visit us on Facebook.

Learn to Square Dance!
Our class is off to a great start!

Many enthusiastic students showed up during the first three weeks of the class!

We really look forward to seeing you in the weeks ahead as you experience the excitement of square dancing! Remember, dancing is on Monday evenings from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. at Loyola Elementary School, 770 Berry Avenue, Los Altos, CA.

Square dancing is lots of fun, a great way to meet people, and provides enjoyable exercise for both the mind and body! Once you have learned the basics (which for us means up through the internationally recognized Plus program), you can dance almost every night of the week, if you wish! There are often dances (called Hoedowns) on weekends, with even larger events at various times throughout the year.

Where Do We Dance?

Both the class and club dance at:

Loyola Elementary School
770 Berry Avenue
Los Altos, CA
Click for map.

  • See Coming Events, below, for any temporary changes to this location!

Contact Information

Our mailing address is:
Bows and Beaus
PO Box 1107
Mountain View, CA 94042
Our e-mail address is:

About the Club

The club dances the Plus program of Western Square Dancing on Wednesday evenings from 7:30 p.m. to 9:45 p.m., with Round Dancing (Easy through Phase III) also included in the evening's program. Partners are NOT required. Please see Club News or Coming Events for more information. The club sponsors a beginning square dance class each year on Monday evenings.

Bows & Beaus began dancing in 1963 at an apartment house in Mountain View, and remained in that city for many years. After a brief time in Palo Alto, we moved to Los Altos in 2006. Today our dancers come from throughout the South San Francisco Bay region: Redwood City, Menlo Park, Stanford, Palo Alto, Mountain View, Los Altos and Los Altos Hills, Sunnyvale, Cupertino, Campbell, Los Gatos, San Jose, Santa Cruz, Fremont, and Milpitas! We've also welcomed visitors from throughout the United States and from other countries!

If you would like more information please email us at

The Ice Cream Fling Thing!
51st Annual -- June 7, 2025
John Muir Middle School

Jay Henderson, Caller
Sandi Kremer, Rounds
Ghost Riders Square Dance Band

Since 1973 local square dancers have welcomed the month of June by attending the Ice Cream Fling Thing, the Anniversary Dance of the Bows & Beaus. Held the first Saturday of June, the 51st Annual dance will be on June 7, 2025, at 7:30 p.m. at John Muir Middle School, 1260 Branham Lane, in San Jose.

The Sweetheart Special
February 15, 2025
John Muir Middle School

Lawrence Johnstone, Caller
Sandi Kremer, Rounds

For many decades the Katydids Sweetheart Special dance reminded us that February was the month of Valentine's Day! When Katydids disbanded, Bows & Beaus agreed to keep the tradition alive by sponsoring the dance. The 2025 dance will be February 15 at 7:00 p.m. at John Muir Middle School, 1260 Branham Lane, San Jose, and will include SSD, Plus, and Rounds (see Flyer).

Club News

Alumni Night, Wednesday, February 12
Former members of Bows & Beaus are especially invited to visit the club for our annual Alumni Night Party on Wednesday, February 12, from 7:30 to 9:45 p.m. at Loyola Elementary School. If you have not received an invitation (email or postal mail) we may not have your current address or we haven't heard from you for several years so thought you were no longer interested. We hope you'll show up! If you're a former member and did not receive an invitation, please send a message to and let us know your current address so we can send you future invitations! Better yet, come on February 12 and give us your address in person!
Alumni Night Flyer (PDF)

Saturday, February 15, Sweetheart Special Dance
On Saturday, February 15, Bows & Beaus will host the Sweetheart Special Dance at John Muir Middle School, 1260 Branham Lane, San Jose, CA.
The dance will feature Caller Lawrence Johnstone and Round Dance Cuer Sandi Kremer.
   Pre-Rounds: 7:00 to 7:30 p.m.
   SSD/Plus Dancing with Rounds: 7:30 to 10:00 p.m.

COVID Policies
As the COVID-19 situation continues to evolve, our policies are subject to change at any time. At the time of this writing, these policies are as follows:
  • Anyone experiencing symptoms of Covid must not attend Bows and Beaus events.
  • Vaccination is no longer required, although it remains highly recommended.
  • Masks are optional. However, as a courtesy to others, we request you wear a mask indoors if you have recently had a potential exposure to Covid (e.g., airplane travel, attendance at a crowded event, or direct contact with someone who tested positive for Covid).
Members Page
We have a special web page for "Members Only". If you are a Bows & Beaus Member, and have not received a Username and Password, contact the club's Membership Chair. The page contains photos and videos from various club events, and a link for viewing live club dancing.
Members Page

Forms and Information
Obtain forms to Apply for Membership, Request a Leave of Absence (2 to 6 months), Change Information (address, telephone, e-mail, or emergency contact), or Request Reimbursement. A copy of the Bylaws is also available.
Forms and Documents

Class News

The Class dances on Monday evenings
The class dances on Mondays from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. at Loyola School in Los Altos. Watch this space in the weeks ahead as we post news on upcoming class events.
What's been taught?
The List of Calls Taught page provides links to various online learning resources, including animations, definitions, tutorials, and videos. Just click on the button below to start exploring these resources.
  • Clicking the name of a call links to the TAMinations page for that call, showing both the definition of the call and an animation. Try setting the speed of the animation to "SLOW" when first learning the call. To return to the list of calls, click the month in the left pane.
  • A tutorial on the call, provided by the Santa Clara Valley Square Dancers Association, is available by clicking the S symbol following the name of the call. To return to the list of calls, click the month in the left pane.
  • Videos (from SaddleBrooke Squares) are available by clicking the symbol following the name of the call. To return to the list of calls, use the back button on your browser.
Calls Taught

Coming Events

Club Events Schedule
Class Events Schedule
  • Dances every Monday beginning January 20, 2025, 7:00 p.m., at Loyola School.

External Links

Here are some links to other square dance related sites.
These links are provided for convenience only and Bows & Beaus cannot be responsible for the accuracy of the information.

Information subject to change!
For questions or suggestions please contact our Webmaster
Last revision: February 8, 2025
Number of times this page has been visited since January 1, 2021: bowsnbeaus1
(Total visits since September 13, 1998: bowsnbeaustot)
Bows & Beaus, All rights reserved.